Camping au Pigeonnier

Campground Brochure

Offre Spéciale JO 2024,
idéale télétravail !
– 25% du 3/07/24 au 31/08/24,
si réservation avant le 10/07/24

Open April 28th to October 1st

Oléron Island


La Cotinière Port

La Cotinière Port

Located in the municipality of Saint-Pierre d’Oléron, La Cotinière is the leading artisanal fishing port in Charente-Maritime. It's a favorite destination for shrimp lovers and those who enjoy catching high-quality fish species.

The Fish Auction of La Cotinière

 Be sure to visit the fish auction to experience an exhilarating atmosphere unlike any other! Take a guided tour to learn about fishing techniques, marvel at the vibrant boat hulls, watch as fishermen unload langoustines, soles, bass, and lobsters, and then purchase them directly from the island's markets or fishmongers.

Restaurants & Shops

Take a leisurely walk along the bustling waterfront lined with restaurants and shops, and indulge in a delicious sampling of Marennes Oléron oysters while enjoying the ocean view. The ever-present dance of trawlers, following the rhythm of the tides, creates a truly enchanting atmosphere in all seasons.

Night Markets

When the sun goes down, the night markets light up summer evenings with local goodies and street performances.

The Cotinière market, for example, is a lively spot where people gather to shop, chat with the vendors, and indulge in high-quality treats. It has a friendly and cozy atmosphere, just like those charming village markets.

As you wander through the market stalls, let the tempting smells, vibrant colors, and lively atmosphere draw you in. It's the perfect place to explore the variety and richness of local products from Oléron Island and have a great time with family or friends.

La Cotinière Port

La Cotinière Port